Delegate or Drown Mar 14, 2024
  • Hire or Die: The Cold, Hard Rule of Entrepreneurship
  • Delegate or Drown
  • Learning the Ropes or Hanging Yourself?

On day one, you have an idea, you have a vision, you're going after it, right? You...

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Mr. $25 Million Feb 27, 2024

I'm going to tell you an interesting story. The title of this is “Mr. $25 Million”, and this story begins with a call. So I'm on a Zoom call with a guy I knew from way back, like 15...

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Beyond The Grind: 3 Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer Jan 16, 2024

Three questions that I think you need to ask. And I'm not going to say you must ask it. You should ask, because I think these 3 questions will allow you to reflect on why the hell you're doing what...

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Beyond the Bullsh*t (The Untold Story of Great Entrepreneurs) Jan 10, 2024

I wanna share a personal challenge that has over the years, messed me up quite a bit. I also wanna preface this by saying I am still a work in progress. I've not yet mastered this, and every day,...

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Successful, Rich, & Dead Jan 02, 2024

One morning, a few years ago, my cell phone rang at 4 AM, kind of a prelude to the grim news that was about to come. One of my childhood buddies, in the prime of his life, at age 51, had suddenly...

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Fire Your Friends in 2024! Dec 11, 2023

Why Your Inner Circle Will Make or Break Your Next Big Move?

When I was 14 years old, I was sitting on the deck with my dad just shooting the shit, you know, father-son stuff.  He shared some...

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5 CASHFLOW MISTAKES ENTREPRENEURS MUST AVOID AT ALL COSTS! cashflow cashflow mistakes entrepreneur manage expenses profit and loss Oct 25, 2023



According to the Small Business Association (SBA),

82% of business fail because of poor cash flow.

Holy shit!!! What???


If you started a company to...

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This GC scaled from $250K to well over $1M in 2 years! Learn how he did it... May 21, 2023

Meet Josh and his beautiful family! Josh is building an AMAZING business as a General Contractor in New England, RenoVista Construction.

When we started working together a couple of years ago, Josh...

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THE BRICK mindset May 15, 2023


A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids...

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7 Traits of SAVAGE Entrepreneurs mindset skillset Apr 04, 2023

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[00:00:00] Hello entrepreneurs. This is Mike Savage with the Savage...

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AI is Already Here! 5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Use It Immediately skillset Mar 07, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a game-changer for entrepreneurs around the world. One of the most significant advantages of AI is its ability to automate tedious and repetitive...

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